The Germany based client’s approaches us to develop a custom PHP web application project with thier requirements i.e. as below:
There is an old Air/Flex Application, which only works locally installed on MacOSX, but now it doesn't work anymore (on new operating systems) - So turn it into a browser-based web application.
The application is about to generate showreels (multiple video clips) for an agency, which can be send (not from the application = manually!) as a custom URL to a client/prospective customer.
Here's an example for a showreel/the frontend output: domain.com/xxx
The frontend should stay as it is = we can take the code 1:1 as it is. The same applies for the whole file structure (uploads, CSS, images) on the webserver and the database structure and records = the content (current artists, genres, clips & showreels) should be kept! So: We "only" need to implement the surface of the backend to edit artists, genres, video clips and showreels.
Everything else should be kept as it is!
There are four sections:
1. Showreels // See below!
2. Clips // Upload video clips/MP4s, add a Title, Client, select Artist (from the genre records) & select Genre (from the genre records)
3. Artists // Edit artists (Name)
4. Genres // Edit genres (Title)
Except Showreels you can add, edit, delete all records; at Showreels section only add new showreels can be added:
- Title (default "Showreel")
- Project*
- Message (optional – if set it will be output in the frontend)
- add video clips per drag & drop (video clips can be filtered by Artist & Genre)
- SAVE > After saving the generated custom URL appears
- All showreels remain saved & active "forever" (so it can't be edited or deleted)!
A still (image) should be generated from the video clip/MP4, but not automatically but by accurating the progress bar and capture a still, i.e.: A link to codepen
See attached a scribble (it's not a fixed layout - It can be implemented in another way/layout, maybe if you have a finished environment/framework for such issues)!
- in the current database artists has fields "position" and „image “
- in the current database genres has a field „image “
> These records are not needed any more (but can be kept in the database)!
But be careful: It's the live system - Don't change anything right now!!!
Two new change requests come from client after development:
1. Recently not all MP4 are in 16:9 format, but the depiction - also when you capture a still/image from a clip - is always as it is so.
Client suggestion: When uploading a clip, the format shout be specified (per dropdown selection: 16:9, 4:3 (and maybe some more)) and save it in the Database.
All clips and captured images should be displayed, generated in that format.
2. At "Showreel"-section the client want to play a clip, before/after drag it to the right.
Maybe we can define the Image as Click-area and only the Text as drag & drop area?!
Our Solutions: -
The client approaches as a outsource website development company with the above requirements. The solutions are simple as this is the project of user interface design and communicating with database. The user interface is designed by our responsive web designer. There is 3 people involve in this project. First who taking care of the project analysis and execution part. Second the HTML5/CSS3 responsive designer and third senior PHP web developer.
In this project, our developer face challenge in capturing video canvas thumbnail with different video format. Another difficulty is to open the pop up with video player in the video thumb of drag and drop list of showreel section.
Our expert developers perform above tasks and updates with testing and debugging on given time and good feedback from client.
On the project screen we blur the text in screen as the text will come after login so you can view the just layout.