Brief: The railway budget attracts a lot of anticipation throughout the country and people from different walks of life wait eagerly to hear updates about it. However, many people are not able to watch the news when the budget is being read out and for them, a website becomes essential. The Railway Budget 2016 website has been created to simplify all announcements from the Indian Railways department by Hon’ble Minister Suresh Prabhu. Users will be able to locate the most significant announcements at a glance and then read up on various devices such as their desktops, laptops, mobile phones, iPads, tablets and more. The website has easy navigational features, is mobile friendly with excellent user interface and the design has been planned accordingly.
Choice of CMS: Our chosen CMS for this project has been Joomla which enables the use of multiple plug-ins (extensions) often needed for creating such websites. Joomla also allows great alteration and administrative activities. It is also among the more reasonably priced CMS allowing us to exercise maximum creativity without exceeding the budget. Creating government websites is a pleasure for us to create and we were happy to do so for the 2015 Indian Railway Budget. This went to show the credibility that we have been able to earn over the years of our presence and also added a prestigious client to our list.
Website Creativity: Exercising creativity is our knack as Joomla website designer and we do it not only for beautification but to give a proper look and feel to a website. We design Joomla template, created and managed content to make it SEO effective, created photo and video gallery and processed images for making the website look appealing as well as user friendly and Google friendly. A jquery based countdown timer is run before the starting the budget on the basis of server time. Promotion on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and others by initiating hastag (#) ‘#railbudget2016 was also done.
Server Technology: For server technology, we used Open SUSE 42 leap Linux, PHP/MYSQL and Apache 2. We worked on apache 2 security threat and stop HTTP TRACE, XSS injection, Iframe injection etc.
Onsite Maintenance: Onsite website support and maintenance is also part of our work and we undertook full time onsite maintenance support of 14 days in this case with the aim of providing best deliverable to the website visitors. Onsite support includes discussions with multiple departments especially info graphics designer, PR people, project brief people and others who are involved in creating the rail budget 2016 website for picking up content for micro Joomla website.